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December 14, 2006


The Swarm

As a service of surface, designhis and designhers are largely incompetent at comprehending content. Consenting to the propogation of con-munication and promotion of improper propaganda is designs raison d'etre. The Reviewers and Observers are GraThick with thieves. These limits can be limiting but they help define the line | Drawn | Swords | Edge | Ledge. Let us leave these petty hawkers to their market | Square. Disrupt and shun, corrupted by corruption.

Newly forming faction, antagonistic agora awaits argument and action. Moths of discord dis-purse from our mouths. Dis-eased doctrines dare battle the nightmare of dreams. On the eve of Event and with infinite fidelity. [In]side by [out]side. Our arteries worn on our sleeves. United in the unity of the Un-One | The Un-won | The Unsung. The One is Not.

Pure doctrine of the multiple we swarm.

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